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Writer: raman kamraraman kamra

Updated: Aug 19, 2020


  1. Maitreya asked. O Sage! You have described the effects of many kinds. Now be kind enough to throw light on Stri Jatak (female horoscopy).

  2. Maharsi Parasara replied. What a good question! Listen to what I am going to tell you about the Rasi Charts of females. All the effects, that have been described till now in the case of male horoscopies, will apply to females also. Matters, relating to her physical appearance, should be determined from Lagna, those, relating to children, from the 5th House, fortune for the husband from the 7th and death of the husband (widowhood) should be deduced from the 8th. Those effects, which are impossible to ascribe to the female, should be declared to be applicable to her husband. Brihat Jataka. Of the effects, that have been described till now in the case of male horoscopes and those, that may be found in female horoscopes, suitable to females, should be declared, as applicable to them alone. The rest should be ascribed to their husbands. The death of the husband is to be deduced through the 8th place (from Lagna, or Moon, whichever is stronger). Matters, relating to her appearance, beauty etc., should be determined from Lagna and the Rasi, occupied by Moon. It is from the 7th place (from Lagna, or Moon), that her welfare (happiness) and the nature of the husband should be ascertained. Mantreswaras Phaldeepika. Whatever effects are declared for men, they are entirely applicable to women too. The womans prosperity and happiness have to be deduced from the 8th place (from Lagna, or Moon, whichever is stronger). Children should be declared from the 9th House and matters, relating to her appearance, beauty etc., should be determined from Lagna. It is from the 7th place, that her welfare (power of influencing her husband) and the nature of the husband should be ascertained, while her association and chastity should be predicted from an examination of the 4th House. Benefics in those Houses produce good results, while malefics in the above Houses are productive of evil, unless they happen to own the Houses, in which case the effects will be good. Jatak Parijata. Whatever effects may accrue from the horoscopes of females, applicable only to men, should be ascribed to the husband. The good and evil, affecting their person, should be calculated from Moon and Lagna, whichever of them is stronger. It is from the 7th House from Lagna, or Moon, that all, that is worthy, or unworthy in the husband should be ascertained and the death of the husband is foretold through the 8th. All this should be well weighed by the strength, or weakness of the Planets, benefic and malefic. Before an announcement is made, of Lagna and Moon find, which is stronger. It is with reference to this, that the luck, beauty and strength of the women should be announced. Children and wealth in abundance should be declared through the 9th House there from. Wedded happiness, or otherwise should be gathered from the 8th and husbands fortune from the 7th. Some Jyotishyais opine, that the well-being, or the reverses of the husband can be determined from the 9th.

  3. If at the time of birth of a woman Lagna and Moon are in even Rasis, the woman will be truly feminine in character. She will possess excellent qualities, be of steadfast character, beautiful and physically fit.

  4. If Lagna and Moon are in odd Rasis, she will be masculine in form and masculine in be6thng and, if they be associated with, or aspected by malefics, she will be devoid of good qualities and be sinful.

  5. If amongst Lagna and Moon one be in an even Rasi and the other be in an odd one, the woman concerned should be declared to partake the characteristics of both male and female. The qualities of Lagna, or Moon will be more predominant, according to their strength.

  6. O Brahmin! The effects in respect of women would particularly depend on the Rasi and Trimsams of Lagna, or Moon, whichever is stronger. 9-16. When Lagna, or Moon is in a Rasi, belonging to Mars, the woman, born in a Trimsams of Mars, will have illicit relations with a man before marriage. If she be born in Trimsams of Venus, she will become unchaste after marriage; if of Mercury, she will be full of guile and adept in conjuration; if the Trimsams be of Jupiter, she will be worthy and virtuous; she will be menial, or slave, if birth be in a Trimsams of Saturn. … in a Rasi, owned by Mercury, the female, born in a Trimsams of Mars, will be full of guile, will be a hard-worker; if the Trimsams be of Venus, will be possessed of good qualities; if of Mercury, will be of the nature of hermaphrodite; if of Jupiter, will be chaste. In a Rasi, owned by Venus, a female, born in a Trimsams of Mars, will be deprived; if the Trimsams be of Venus, will be well known and possessed of excellent qualities; if of Mercury, will be skilled in all arts; she will be endowed with all good qualities, if born in a Trimsams of Jupiter; she will remarry, if born in a Trimsams of Saturn. When Lagna, or Moon happens to be in a Rasi, owned by Moon and the Trimsams of birth is owned by Mars, the female born will be self-willed and uncontrolled; she will be unchaste and of loose character, if born in a Trimsams of Venus; will be skilled in arts and handiwork, if of Mercury; will be gifted with all excellent qualities, if of Jupiter; will become a widow, if of Saturn. …, owned by Sun and the Trimsams of birth be owned by Mars, the female born will be very talkative; she will be virtuous, if born in a Trimsams of Venus; will bear masculine features, if of Mercury; will be chaste and virtuous, if of Jupiter; will be unchaste, if of Saturn. When the rising Rasi, or the Rasi, occupied by Moon, is owned by Jupiter, the female, born in a Trimsams of Mars, will be endowed with many good qualities; she will be Punschali, if born in a Trimsams of Venus; will be well versed in many sciences, if of Mercury; will be endowed with all good qualities, if of Jupiter; will not indulge much in sexual intercourse, if of Saturn. When Lagna, or the Rasi, occupied by Moon, belongs to Saturn, the female, born in a Trimsams of Mars, will be a maid-servant; she will be learned (barren, according to Brihat Jatak), if born in a Trimsams of Venus; will be cruel and immoral, if of Mercury; will be devoted to her husband, if of Jupiter; will be unchaste (addicted to men of low caste, according to Brihat Jatak), if of Saturn. 17-21. If the 7th House be without a Planet (without strength) and without benefic aspect, the female born will have a coward and contemptible wretch for her husband. When the 7th House is a moveable Rasi, the husband will always be away from home. If Mercury and Saturn be in the 7th House, the husband of the woman concerned will be impotent. If Sun occupies the 7th House, the woman concerned is abandoned by her husband. If Mars be in the 7th, the female concerned becomes a widow in her childhood. If Saturn be in the 7th, she lives to an old age, remaining unmarried. If there be a malefic, she becomes a widow, while young. If there be a benefic in the 7th, the female born will enjoy marital happiness and will be chaste. If there be both benefics and malefics in the 7th, both benefic and evil effects will be experienced. If Mars be in the Navams of Venus and Venus be in the Navams of Mars, the female concerned will have illicit relations with other men. If in this Yoga Moon be in the 7th, the female concerned enters into illicit connections at the instance of her husband.

Brihat Parashara Hora Sashtra by Rishi Parashara 22-25. If at womans birth the 7th House, or the setting Navams be that of Mars, the husband will be fond of other women and will be of an irascible temper. If it be a Rasi, or Navams of Mercury, her husband will be very learned and clever. If it be a Rasi, or Navams of Jupiter, the husband of the woman concerned will be of great merit and will have passions under his control. If it be a Rasi, or Navams of Venus, her husband will be fortunate, very good-looking and liked by women. If the Rasi, or Navams belongs to Saturn, her husband will be an old man and a fool. If the Rasi, or Navams be Leo, her husband will be exceedingly soft in his disposition and will be very hard-working. If the 7th House, or the setting Navams be a Rasi, owned by Moon, the husband of the woman will be love-sick and gentle. If there be different Rasis and Navamsas in the 7th, the effects will be of a mixed nature. The effects of the Rasis and Navamsas will depend on their strength. 26-29. If in a females horoscope Sun be in the 8th, the native will be unhappy, poverty-stricken, of deformed limbs and without faith in religion. If Moon be in the 8th, the woman concerned will be of a defective vagina, will have ugly breasts, with sinister eyes, without robes, or ornaments, sickly and will be defamed in the society. If Mars, the native will be of weak constitution, sickly, widow, ugly-looking and full of sorrows and agonies. If Mercury, she will be without faith in religion, timid, devoid of wealth, self-respect and good qualities and she will be quarrelsome. 30-33. If in a females horoscope Jupiter be in the 8th, the woman concerned will be shameless and without virtue, will have few children, fatty hands and feet, will be abandoned by her husband and be gluttonous. If Venus be in the 8th, she will be fond of pleasures, devoid of sympathy, religion, wealth, will be dirty and deceptive. If Saturn, the woman concerned will be of wicked disposition, dirty, deceptive and devoid of conjugal harmony. If Rahu, she will be ugly, without m6thtal happiness, cruel-hearted, sickly and unchaste.

  1. The woman will be barren, if in her Rasi Kundali Moon and Venus be associated with Saturn, or Mars and the 5th House be occupied, or aspected by a malefic.

  2. If the 7th be in the Navams of Mars, the vagina will be diseased. If the 7th be the Navams of a benefic, she will have a well formed female organ and will be beloved by her husband.

  3. If Gemini, or Virgo Lagna in a females horoscope is occupied by Venus and Moon, the woman concerned lives happily and is equipped with all kinds of comforts in her fathers house.

  4. If Moon, Mercury and Venus be in Lagna, the woman concerned is endowed with many good qualities and happiness. If Jupiter be in Lagna, she is happy, wealthy and has children.

  5. If the 8th House be Leo, or Cancer and Sun and Moon be both placed there, the woman concerned will be barren. If the 8th be Gemini, Virgo, or Cancer and Mercury and Moon be posited there, the female native will have only one child.

  6. The woman concerned will be definitely barren, if Lagna be Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Aquarius and Moon and Venus be posited there, aspected by malefics.

  7. The woman concerned will give birth to an already dead child, if the 7th be occupied by Rahu and Sun, or Jupiter and Rahu be in the 8th and the 5th be occupied by malefics.

  8. The woman concerned will not be able to conceive, if Jupiter and Venus be associated with Mars in the 8th, or Mars be with Saturn in the 8th.

  9. The woman concerned becomes a destructor of her husbands family and her fathers family, if at her birth Moon and Lagna be subjected to Papa Kart6th Yoga (direct malefics in 12th and retrograde malefics in 2nd).

  10. The woman, whose birth takes place under the following conditions, is named, as Visha Virgo. Day of birth Sunday, Nakshatra Aslesha, 2nd Tithi; Saturday, Krittika, 7th Tithi; Tuesday, Satabhisha, 12th Tithi.

  11. The woman will be Visha Virgo, if at birth Lagna be occupied by a malefic and a benefic and two Planets be in inimical Rasis.

  12. Visha Virgo gives birth to a child already dead. She has a defective generative organ and is bereft of robes, ornaments etc.

  13. The evil effects of Visha Virgo are destroyed, if the Lord of the 7th is a benefic, or a benefic Planet be in the 7th from Lagna, or Moon.

  14. The woman born becomes a widow, if Mars be in the 12th, 4th, 7th, or 8th from Lagna, without aspect by, or association with any benefic. 48-49. The Yoga, which causes the woman to become widow also causes a male native to become a widower. If the man and woman, possessing this Yoga, join in wedlock, the Yoga ceases to have any effect. 50-51. If at a womans birth the rising Rasi be that of Venus and the rising Navams be of Saturn (Aquarius, according to Brihat Jatak) and, if Venus and Saturn aspect each other, or are occupying each others Navams, she will be afflicted with too much lust and will allay her fire of passion with the help of other females, acting the part of a male.

  15. When Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Venus are strong and, when the rising Rasi is an even one, the woman born will be learned in Shastras and an expounder of the Vedanta Philosophy.

  16. When a malefic Planet is in the 7th and some Planet in the 8th, the woman concerned will become an ascetic.

  17. The woman dies before her husband, when in her nativity there is a benefic in the 8th, without aspect by, or association with a malefic.

  18. If at the birth of a woman there are equal number of benefics and malefics and they possess the same strength, she without doubt will leave for her heavenly abode along with her husband.

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Acharya Raman Kamra

Vedic Astrologer

20 years Experience

+91 8130 201 201

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